Saturday, 25 September 2010, 11:31 am
Press Release: Australia West Papua Association
Papua People in Biak Demand REFERENDUM for the best Solution to the end West Papua problem
Biak News 23 September 2010, About 700 Papuans in Biak joint to West Papua National Committee for Biak Region it called KNPB carry out demonstration action for deman REFERENDUM. Demonstration mass has came from Biak Region coner to do action demonstration in front of the Council of Byak Tribes. KNPB is the responsibility of this action prepared grandstand political for mass to be do their political orations.
This demonstration action began 10.00 pm until 14.00 Papua time. Papuans did present for this action commutative go up to stage to given their political orations. Their flyed two flags on this action and these two flags written on some notice SOS, it mean that the situation at West Papua region very emergency. The end of this their actions the chairman of KNPB Biak region has given KNPB political statement to Mr. Costan Rumabar represent.
The leader of the Council of Byak Tribes to read this statement act for Papua people. According to this statement so, Mr. Cosntan said that West Papua People lif vagaries in Indonesion is one of mysterious history when the West Papua people and its lands become economy, political interest misfortune of Nederland, American and Indonesian by means of UN. This long history to be changed West Papua youth generation comprehension to be able determine their future time for get Freedom and sovereign on their lands. New York Agreement 1962 and Rome Agreement 1962 and Freeport Company contract 1967 is law deformity because it not engaging West Papua People delegations. And Act of Free Choice 1969 not implementation according to International laws. So, We behalf West Papua people declared :
- Demand for American, Indonesian, Nederland and UN to immediately responsibility on genocide process for West Papua people result of Indonesian Military inflation at 1962 about New York Agreement, Rome Agreement and Freeport Company contract. Because all of these agreement not engaging West Papua people delegations.
- To support establish International Parlement for West Papua and International Lowyer for West Papua to accuse Act of Free Choice 1969 status in International courthouse to its goal to RE REFERENDUM for West Papua people.
- To support International Parlement for West Papua declaration in Skotlandia Parlement at September 23, 2010.
- All West Papua people components said thank for Uni Europe government, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Denmmark, Jepang, South Korean, South African, Austalian, England and Saudi Arabia and Skotlandia to fight Self Determination ( REFERENDUM) for West Papua people.
- West Papua people very need for international community support for fighting National freedom for West Papua
- West Papua people very hope nations support in the UN Annually Session in September 24, 2010.
- West Papua National Committee support request for all of West Papua people to prepare REFERENDUM Agenda for West Papua People.
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