Jumat, 24 September 2010

Colonialism – U.S. Policy in West Papua

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Washington : DC : USA | Sep 24, 2010
BY daeron

I was expecting and disappointed to hear a Joseph Yun at a Congress hearing on September 22nd repeating the US Indonesia Society and Department of State mantra that Indonesia is a democracy with growing respect for human rights, and again vilify human self-determination as evil separatism.

Mr Yun, my question is, which human rights has Indonesia learnt to respect? Does Indonesia respect the right of free speech, or is it a crime to own and rise your chosen flag? Does Indonesia respect the right of self-determination, or is it a crime to ask for a referendum? No, Indonesia does not respect these human rights any more than it respects the Papuan rights to life and justice.

The Department of State and Indonesia oppose people choosing their own fate because they know people want to be free of colonial repression, and they know a colony will separate itself from the “mother country” just as the British colonies in North America and Australia did two hundred and a hundred years ago respectively. Freeport estimates it will take them another forty years to deplete the mines in West Papua, and Indonesia has yet to displace the forms culture which it derides as “primitive”.

So an impasse for another forty years suites the needs of Indonesia and the State Department's advisers in the US Indonesia Society. But what are the needs of the United States and global security?

Critics of the US see that the US Department of State will condone colonial expansion and block the UN decolonization process when corporations such as the members of the US Indonesia Society endorse such actions. Whether buying nuclear technology or biological agents, the trick is to know the kinds of suppliers who can keep a secret and exert influence when necessary.

So long as there is hope that corruption is alive and well, nations which do not share the goals of ending colonial expansion and war, will continue to seek the forbidden tools of conquest.

Source: www.allvoices.com

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